Today’s Hampton Roads Groupon is to Atlantic Vein & Vascular Associates in Virginia Beach. Choose between the following options:
- For $99, you get three sessions of laser or BBL hair removal on a small area (up to a $345 value). Choose from the upper lip, chin, sideburns, cheeks, feet, or breasts.
- For $159, you get three sessions of laser or BBL hair removal on a midsize area (up to a $690 value). Choose from the bikini line, abdomen, buttocks, or upper or lower back.
- For $199, you get three sessions of laser or BBL hair removal on a large area (up to a $1,275 value). Choose from the entire chest, full bikini, or lower legs.
The Fine Print
- Expires May 19, 2012
- Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts. Not valid until 8/19/11. Valid only for option purchased. Appointment required. 24hr cancellation notice required. Valid only for select areas. Must use all treatments on the same area. May redeem across visits.
- See the rules that apply to all deals.
- Clinic run by board-certified vascular surgeons
- BBL technology for tan skin tones
- Choose from 14 areas
Get the direct link to the Groupon here
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