Ginger sent an email letting me know that she found packages of Sorrento String Cheese with a $5 mail-in rebate peelie at the commissary. Buy 2 packages of Sorrento String Cheese and get $5 back via mail. It gets even better, limit of 5 rebates per household! That’s a lot of string cheese~! Ginger had $1/1 coupons from previous purchases making it $2.39 each, so if you have those coupons the deal is even better.
I saw the rebate peelies on the packages at Harris Teeter today, sale price $3.69. Without coupons pay $2.38/2 after rebate. If you have the $1/1 coupons-you’ll only pay $1.69 each giving you a $1.62 overage after rebate!
Thanks, Ginger!
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