You are reading Week 5 of 52 Weeks to Eliminate Debt & Curb Spending. Please read the overview here to learn more about the series & get your FREE financial planner. If you just joined us, please start with week 1.
Sometimes, you have to sit down and accept that your income is just not sufficient to meet your needs. If you are working on getting rid of debt, then it is time to start finding income when you have none. If you’ve made goals, created a budget and attempted to make a plan to pay off debt but find yourself falling short on income, it is time to focus on making big changes. This week we are going to look at basic options for finding income when you have none.
Finding Income When You Have None:
Eliminate wants. Let’s face it, our society is spoiled. Everything from specialty coffee drinks to unlimited data plans on our phones are seemingly common place and considered “must haves”. When you are looking at debt and simply have no income to pay toward it, you must focus on what are true needs. Food, shelter and clothing on your back are your only true needs. Your obligations to your creditors are next in line.