You are reading Week 6 of 52 Weeks to Eliminate Debt & Curb Spending. Please read the overview here to learn more about the series & get your FREE financial planner. If you just joined us, please start with week 1.
As difficult as it may be, if you are working to get rid of debt, you must Change The Way You View Money. Our upbringing, peers and life experiences all shape who we are and how we view money. As you look honestly at your current debt, you must also accept that your view of money could be the problem.
1. Accept that your income is not guaranteed. While most of us have a secure job that we feel good about, reality is that no job is guaranteed forever. We have to look at our paycheck as not just income for the moment, but a plan for the future as well. Begin looking at each paycheck as an opportunity to plan for your future as well as pay your current bills. Don’t fall victim to the, “Well, I’ll get paid next week” trap of spending money you don’t have on hand. Remember that not all income is guaranteed to continue.