If you have children, you know that quality childcare can be expensive. The more children you have, the higher that cost becomes. I’ve tried to list a few ideas for free and cheap childcare below, but encourage you to comment with your ideas as well.
– Trade with a friend (Playgroup): Trading childcare is a great way to get FREE childcare. It is best to set up a schedule to ensure that you are both getting equal time. For instance: you have the kids on Monday from 9-1 and your friend has the kids on Wednesday from 9-1. It will give each of you a break without breaking the bank.
– Family Member: If you live near family, consider asking grandparents, aunts or cousins to help with the kids. Just remember not to take advantage. Even grandma needs a break. Don’t foget you could pay family members to watch your child and the rates will usually be much less.