Seriously, can someone tell me where all this stuff is coming from? I swear little elves bring it in while we’re asleep!
We’re getting ready for a yard sale this weekend. I considered taking a picture of the mountain, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. We have 18 containers packed with stuff! That’s not counting the bags, baskets and large items. We moved just under a year ago and did a major purge. It’s baffling how much more stuff we have to get rid of!
A few ways I deal with the clutter:
1. Clear out items throughout the year. I’m always going through the house and getting rid of stuff that we don’t use or need. It saves me from being crazy when it’s time for the annual yard sale. I keep containers in the eves and add to it every chance I get.
2. If you don’t wear it, toss it. I have a rule that if I can’t remember wearing it during the past year, it goes. I immediately pull an item of clothing when I notice it’s getting too small for the kids or if they’re always telling me they don’t like it. Further, when I switch clothes each season I pack up all the clothes that I know they won’t be able to wear again. You may do this differently if you plan on having more children or have children of the same sex.
3. Does it serve a purpose or is it just collecting dust? I’m constantly asking myself if I really need or like the stuff in my home. If I’m not in love with it or it doesn’t serve a purpose, it goes. I don’t want to dust a figurine for years if I don’t really care about it. I also rotate the photos in my frames. I don’t need every year of the kids lives displayed. Wow, the frames would take over the house! I just place a current picture over last years picture. I do have a few favorites and baby pictures always out, though.
4. When shopping, ask yourself why you want to purchase an item. I try to ask myself a series of questions before placing something in my cart. Do I have a specific place for this item? Does it serve a purpose? Will it add more work for me? Do I already have something like it? Do I have something to wear with it? Who and when would I give it to? Just because something is a great deal doesn’t necessarily mean you should buy it.
Interestingly, I don’t shop a lot. I think that’s why I just can’t figure out how I keep getting so much stuff. It must really be the elves…
How do you deal with all your stuff?
This post is linked to Madame Deals, My Coupon Teacher and Life as Mom
Photo credit: Garrisonsjunk