Ever since Rite Aid changed their rewards program, I think it’s safe to say they have one of the best and most rewarding programs around.
How to Save Money at Rite Aid
They recently implemented the Plenti Program, which enables you to earn points on your purchases and use them at other stores! Read on to learn all about the Plenti Program and couponing at Rite Aid in general.
Plenti Program
You can sign up for a Plenti card on RiteAid.com or on Plenti.com. After you sign up for a Plenti card, you can choose to link it to your old Rite Aid Wellness Card, just in case you had a higher status (Silver or Gold) and you would like that to carry over.
Every week, the Rite Aid ad will contain various items which you can purchase to earn Plenti points. In turn, you can use Plenti points at Rite Aid or at the other stores/companies listed on the Plenti website, including AT&T, Macy’s, Nationwide, and more! Every 100 Plenti points is worth $1, and you can start using your points once you have earned at least 200 ($2).