Looking for fun, educational & frugal activities to do with your child? Mom on Dealz will provide you with weekly activities to keep your children learning while you stay on budget!
Bubbles are always a favorite with kids but can get costly if you continually purchase them. I’ve given you a very frugal recipe for bubbles and some educational applications. They may seem a little far fetched but teachers are notorious for being able to make anything educational! 🙂
Bubble Recipe:
4 cups water
1 cup dishwashing liquid (I used generic and it worked just fine)
1/4 cup corn syrup
Mix all ingredients together and have some fun!
Educational Applications:
1. Using pipe cleaners, create various shapes (circles, triangles, etc-we did a heart) to help your child learn or review shapes. Use the pipe cleaners as bubble wands.
2. While measuring out the ingredients, discuss measurements and fractions (i.e. 1/4 cup ).
3. Talk about the steps you completed to make the bubbles and write them down on separate sheets of paper (gather the ingredients, measure each ingredient, combine the ingredients, gather/make bubble wands, play with the bubbles, clean up). Mix the steps up and have your child sequence them.
4. Have your child observe the colors in the bubbles and let them draw/color what they observe.
5. While playing with the bubbles, review beginning sounds with your child (b for bubble, p for pop, etc).
Bubbles can also be used to teach eye contact, turn taking, and a variety of other social and language development skills.