Since we all need a little order in our lives (I know I do), this post should help you keep on task. This Mama Says teaches you tips to Tweak your Schedule.
How many times do you wake up in the morning with the full intention of crossing off everything on your “To Do List” and then when your head hits the pillow you realize that maybe one thing was done?!?! The next day, you wake up and start the cycle again…
There are so many things fighting for your time that cleaning, errands & chores easily loose precedence! How many times do we say to ourselves, “I don’t have time right now. I’ll do it later when I’m not so busy.” Guess what??? That “not so busy” moment… NEVER happens!!!
We are left with two options.
Option #1 – Frantically clean right before guests arrive. Cleaning off counters, vacuuming, spraying febreeze & shoving things anywhere, but in plain sight. (We’ve all been there) This can get real old, real fast if you often have drop-in guests.
Option #2 – Adapt cleaning into your daily schedule. This allows you to maintain your home, instead of letting it become overwhelming. And this way you do not have to abandon your normal daily activities to spend a day cleaning.
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