Update – you can also try the Poquoson Farm Fresh.
I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of exactly what you need to participate in the SavingsStar program at stores that don’t have a store loyalty card such as Farm Fresh.
At Customer Service, ask for a UPromise key tag. You will use the same key tag for any UPromise or SavingStar coupons you load onto the card.
You must register the card online just like your store loyalty cards. Once you register the card, you can add coupons to your account. At the register, just have the cashier scan your UPromise card, and you’ll see the SavingStar coupon savings in your SavingStar account.
*A manager had to find the key tags, but they are at the Mt. Pleasant location. I know many of you have been able to get them at other stores in Hampton Roads as well.
Read all about the SavingStar coupon program on this post.