Stephanie asked the following question on The Coupon Challenge Facebook Page:
I was wondering how do you know what you saved on your Harris Teeter for the shopping trip and also what VIC do I use? The one for this order or this year? Can you help me understand this?
The photo above labels all the important savings aspects on a recent Harris Teeter receipt. You will notice in Red the amounts saved using e-VIC coupons. You can read all about Harris Teeter e-VIC coupons on this post. Please note that these are e-coupons you add to your VIC card.
The Purple and Yellow amounts are your Harris Teeter VIC savings. It is broken down into your “total VIC savings for this order” and “total VIC savings this year”. VIC savings are the sale prices that you are eligible for if you use a VIC card. Such sale prices are 2/$5 or B1G1 Free offers. My VIC savings for the order above was $7.50 while I have saved $494.12 over the entire year.
The Green amount say’s “Coupons Tendered” on the receipt. This is actually your TOTAL savings for your shopping trip (manufacture coupons, e-VIC coupons and VIC savings). If you want to determine the amount you saved in coupons only, you would subtract the Coupons Tendered amount (green) from the Total VIC Savings this Order (purple). That amount would be how much you saved in coupons.
When determining my savings for Harris Teeter, I look at the “Coupons Tendered” amount. It is providing me with a TOTAL savings on my purchase.
Total Paid this purchase: $7.38
Total Saved this purchase: $38.64
*Don’t forget to link your VIC Card to earn money for your local school!
thanks so much! i thought that was what i should do and its nice to hear it confirmed. so ive been calculating it right 🙂
so, can i ask, do the evic coupons show up only at the bottom of the reciept with paper coupons or is it listed like sale price items as they are being checked out?
You will see the eVIC coupon amount deducted just before all the other coupons (I think in bold – I don’t have the receipt handy) plus the total for eVIC coupons will show at the bottom like in the picture above.