Okay so we have talked about everything from getting started and writing a post, and making money blogging. We’ve discussed contests, building relationships with other bloggers, and actively promoting your site with good content, readers & strategy. We talked about affiliate programs last week. We figured this week it is only fair to share our address book. Yeah!
I am going to put in here that you all might not be accepted into certain programs. I am still not accepted into certain programs, that is life. I say keep trying. This is a job that you have to take because you love it not because it is going to pay the bills. It may eventually but not always. I am very honest that I take posts for money. I put it in my disclaimer Madame Deals does not run on love, hope, or peanuts. It runs with effort, intelligence, and CASH! I believe it takes money and time to grow a business. I think of my business much like cable programming there are “shows” which is the content and articles. There are “commercials” which I equate with paid posts and ads on my side bar and in some of my posts.
Finally there are more aggressive ads called referral links. I personally do not send other bloggers spam. I will not send out my referral links to others on a weekly basis. I am only sharing them now because my in box is full of people asking for them. I am kind of on the fence because if I give you all my advertiser information then we will all have the same “commercials” on our sites.
I believe I have enough content to keep my readers and gain new readers so I will share. If you have been following Madame Deals for a while you know I am a business women and I take the time I spend creating my business seriously since it means I have to give up things to do so.
If you want to make money blogging, you need to know what affiliates to sign up for. You don’t have to sign up for everything, but it is a good idea to be involved with a variety of affiliates to maximize your earnings.
Finding affiliates that fit your blog niche is key. You want to promote products or specials that benefit your readers. I have a spreadsheet with mine. In the list it has the website, contact, log in, and passwords. I was working on adding the accounts but I decided not to. I will tell you what I decided to do instead next week!
You must apply and be accepted into each program. It is also extremely important to follow the guidelines set by each affiliate to remain in the program.
Below are a few of the affiliates that Amee and I belong to. We both don’t necessarily belong to each:
Google AdSense – most popular
Chitika – text ads
Coupons & Discounts:
My Savings
Logical Media
Escalate Media
Social Media Sponsors:
My Likes this will help you earn money from posting on facebook and twitter.
Sponsored Tweets
This does not make me money but it builds followers. The rule I have is followers=money the more followers you have the more $ you can charge to write posts or have your posts sponsored. The more followers you have the better giveaways you can offer which increase your traffic and increase your revenue from passive advertising. (Note: I just started this yesterday and I got over 100 followers in a day) Here is my LINK
Commission Junction
Amazon Affiliate – only available in select states
Referral Credits:
Shop at Home
Recycle Bank
Collective Buying:
Living Social
This biggest tip I have for you is make sure your hosting is reasonable. I use Host Gator and Love them.
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Please share your thoughts with us
I have enjoyed watching your blog grow 🙂 Thanks for writing this and so glad we were able to meet through you hosting my Scentsy giveaway!
Thank you! We still use our Scentsy and my mom loves her Christmas gift too