Thanks to Mom on Dealz for sharing her series, Ask an Accountant! Sharon is married to an experienced accountant. We’re heading back into tax season so get your tax questions answered from a professional.
See more Ask an Accountant posts to see if you’re tax question has been answered.
Do I have to claim money I make in a yard sale?
Basically, the occasional garage sale does qualify for the exclusion from income due to the fact you normally sell your personal effects at a loss, and you can’t take a loss on this sale. In the event you sold something at a profit (highly unlikely, but could happen) you would have to report the gain 🙂
Please keep in mind this post is for informational purposes only and answers given are very general. Do not rely on this column for definite tax answers as many things depend on individual circumstances. Please contact your personal accountant or financial advisor for your particular situation.
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IRS Circular 230 Notice: Any U.S. tax advice in this written or electronic communication was not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used by the taxpayer, for the purpose of avoiding any penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions
Your new blog “Ask an Accountant” is an awesome addition to your already informative website!! Thank you so much for the great information and thank you also to Sharon and her husband!! You guys rock!
What about e-bay earnings? Less than 3000? all from stuff I already had (I have 5 children) Thanks!