Creating quality time in a marriage or with a significant other is imperative to the strength of a relationship. But how to you stay on budget with everything else going on in your lives? Living on Love and Cents & Madame Deals have put together a great article for this weeks Dating on a Dime series:
What can you do for under $20? How about subs and scenery? Life is funny the things that brought you together are forgotten in the grime of daily life. What is all could be forgotten and remembered at the same time. It really is the simple things in life that make us grateful for what we have. I love to grab a sub with my husband because you can’t be serious while attempting to eat a sub. They go where you go and they do not require silverware. I say grab a sub, a blanket, a bottle of something and find somewhere to sit. It could be the guest room, the back yard, your car, or a blanket in the meadow. Just take a moment and be reminded that romance is where you create it!
There are a lot of great local deal sites where you can find something new and exciting to do without breaking the bank.
I love that you’re posting this series. It’s so important to spend time dating our spouse, but when money is tight it seems like it’s the first thing to go. Subs & Scenery is a cute idea. David and I love just getting a Redbox or going down to the Oceanfront to see what’s going on. It never has to cost a lot of money.