Update 8/19:
CHKD ENT Norfolk is still doing ear piercing. Click here for phone numbers
I contacted entltd.com also affiliated with CHKD and they don’t do ear piercings.
My experience below is from September 2014:
I’ve been putting off getting my daughters ears pierced for years. I’m one of those super paranoid mommy’s and couldn’t bear the thought of taking my daughter to a random kid at the mall to get her ears pierced. I realize that it’s been done for years (I even had my ears pierced at the mall), but it still didn’t ease my anxiety.
When a friend told me the Ear Nose and Throat doctor (ENT) at CHKD did ear piercing, I finally conceded to let LuLu get her ears pierced. The price was extremely reasonable, just $35 total! The cheapest price I could find at the mall was $19.50.
Why I chose to get my daughters ears pierced at CHKD:
- Medical grade plastic for the earrings
- Topical numbing ointment applied to earlobe to reduce pain
- Sterile medical office
- Experienced Nurse Practitioner performed the actual piercing
The nursing staff and nurse practitioner worked well with LuLu to make her feel at ease and reduce her anxiety. Her ears were prepared to reduce to risk of infection and to allow the piercing to be virtually pain free.
When it was time to actually pierce her ears, the Nurse Practitioner took her time making sure LuLu’s piercing was perfect and that we were satisfied with the placement.
The process was much longer than I had expected (about an 1.5 hours), but it was completely worth the extra effort. If you’re looking to get your child’s ears pierced, I would highly recommend taking her to CHKD.
If you’re not in my area, talk with your child’s pediatrician. I’m told some Pediatricians offices offer ear piercing. Even if yours doesn’t, it is likely they will be able to give you a recommendation.
The ear piercing at CHDK does require an appointment. You can find the phone number and locations on the CHKD website.
Please note that I’m told you can’t get ears re-pierced. This is for first-time piercings only.
You do not need to be a patient of CHKD, but are required to complete patient paperwork and consent forms. No insurance is accepted for the the piercing.
*Stacey mentioned another option on The Coupon Challenge Facebook page that you should read.
Make sure to view more posts on saving in Hampton Roads!
This is awesome to know!!
How did they do it? Did they use a gun or a needle?
I’m having doubts and keep going back and forth about getting my daughter’s ears pierced!
They used a gun.
She has been talking about it since she was about 3. We decided to allow her to finally get them pierced for her 5th birthday when I found out about CHDK. A friend took her daughter when she was just under a year and it worked out well for them too.
Good to know that they do it.
My daughter is currently 7 mos old.. and I keep saying that I want to wait until she knows what it is, and can tell me that she wants to do it.. but baby girls with pierced ears are just SO cute :\ lol
They are cute all tiny with pierced ears 🙂
I have several friends that have pierced their daughters ears before the age of one, some only a few months old. They say it’s easier when they are younger.
so it was $35 total for the piercing AND earrings? I paid $90 at the mall (piercing + earrings) for my two daughters last summer.
Yes, $35 total for everything.
They are medical grade plastic not metal, but I liked that better to start off anyways. We’ll change her earrings later. There were 5 styles to choose from similar to the ones pictured in LuLu’s ears (she chose the pink flowers).
Were there only flower options, or were there plain diamond studs as well?
There were several earring options available, but I can’t recall if you could get plain diamond studs.
Okay, thank you!
THANK YOU! I have three girls one (9) that doesn’t want it, one (10)that is sitting on the fence and one that is ABOUT to DIE (6, almost 7) if she doesn’t get them pierced. Her birthday is in April and this will be a GREAT gift, not to mention, ease the WORRIES of the worry wart mommy! 🙂
As a PA-C myself I search them out very carefully and took my Stella (13months) I had planned to do it earlier but time got away from me. I would wait until the child is at least 6months old just because they would have gotten their 3rd DTAP by then. I love their patience and sterile procedure and knew they were well qualified. Unfortuately the ones at the mall get little to no training and well you i just dont feel comfortable letting a 16 yr old come at my kid with a needle.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! My 6yo daughter has been dying to get hers done and I just couldn’t get comfortable with the process. Her birthday is in June and now I feel like we can do it. She will be thrilled.
I’m so glad you liked the post. LuLu loves her pierces ears
WARNING: I read this post and got so excited because my 16-year-old daughter wanted her ears pierced but my husband and I didn’t feel comfortable with the mall idea. I immediately made an appointment at CHKD and took off work to drive there from Hampton. Once there, I paid the $35 dollars and the nurse took my daughter’s vitals then numbed her ears with a white gel. We sat in the waiting room about 30 minutes before being called in. My daughter was so excited. But then something unexpected occurred. The doctor noticed that my daughter already had pierced ears. Come to discover that CHKD only does the FIRST piercing. So we got our money back and ended up at Claire’s in MacArthur Center. I spent over $55, but the Assistant Manager at Claire’s was very professional and used sterilized procedures.
Thanks for letting us know it is for first piercings only! Glad your daughter was able to get her ears re-pierced at Claire’s.
I Know This Post Was Last Year So Not Sure If Anyone Will See This But What Office Did You Go To….I Take My Daughter To Chkd And I Called One Office To Ask And They Said Nobody At Their Offices Did it
We had it done at the main Norfolk CHKD
Thank you!
Dana, thanks for sharing! There are several ENT offices in Norfolk. Which location (address) did you go to?
We went to the one that’s located inside CHKD hospital.
Does anyone who got their babys ear pierced at chkd remember the website and paper they gave you to order new ones it was a new kind of ear ring with a plastic backing that u didnt have to twist everyday and disnt poke the baby
No, sorry. They may be able to provide a website over the phone or mail you an order form.
I lost the brochure with all the medical grade plastic earings to purchase..does anyone have the website or info on how to order them?
i just got off the phone with chad. it is done thru ent @ 7576689327. an appointment is required and don’t open until Monday. hope thats helpful.
Were there only flower-shaped earrings? Do you recall any other kinds?
There were several earring options available, but I can’t recall the exact designs. I’m sure your daughter will find 1 or more that she loves 🙂
I pierced my daughters ears there. It was a great experience. I’m trying to take the earrings off but I haven’t been able too. Are they screw ins or just pull outs?
My daughters had 2 deep grooves to help keep the earrings on, so they were a bit difficult to pull off. However, you might want to call CHDK and ask if you are having a problem.
Do they still do the piercing at CHKD? I checked their website and can’t find any info.
I called earlier this year and the Eastern Virginia Medical School ENT was still doing ear piercing. Info isn’t on the website, you have to call.
You can find phone #’s here –> http://www.chkd.org/Our-Doctors/Surgical-Specialists/Ear-Nose-and-Throat/
They are no longer piercing ears. I just called and they stopped.
The Eastern Virginia Medical School ENT stopped piercing?
I just called and CHKD ENT still does them.
My daughter is a scheduled to have hers done at CHKD in October (she will have them during her surgery). So as of today 8/20/19, you can still get them pierced by the CHKD ENT Norfolk office (the other offices do not pierce)
Do you have the Norfolk office’s phone number? I called 757-668-9327 and they said they no longer do ear piercings.
Last I heard CHKD ENT Norfolk 668-7000 still did them but not sure as of 2020.