Congratulations to Stephanie for guessing closest my total!
I felt like doing a little dance leaving Farm Fresh this morning. Some of the items I wanted were already gone this morning at 7:30am, but I made it work out okay. Farm Fresh still has a little tearpad store coupon to save $5 off a $20 Johnson and Johnson purchase. If the Bengay had been in stock, I would have done even better. I had to improvise on what was left to complete the deal, but I’m satisfied overall.
Get your $2 Doubles Matchups here and Sale ad here
Transaction 1 was the $10 CAT promo (see 2 Brawny and what’s on top)
Transaction 2 included everything else and the products for the Johnson & Johnson promo are on the right.
Instead of telling you what I spent, I thought you could guess 🙂 Guess correctly (or come closest) and get a $5 Amazon Gift Code!
Leave a comment on this post with your guess on my total paid OOP for BOTH transactions. I’ll post my actual total tonight.
Couple of things to help you out:
- I did use the $10 CAT to help pay for transaction #2
- Transaction #1 % saved was more than 20% but less than 50%
- Transaction #2 % saved was more than 50% but less than 100%
- Hubby guessed $48 but he was wrong
- Not all the deals are in the matchups
- I had 21 coupons that doubled. Yes, I realize I was accidentally 1 over policy
- This is not an example of Extreme Couponing but was a nice, respectable savings\
Total Paid: $23.99
Total Saved: $80.87
*Feel free to share your shopping trips too!
I say 25.30
My question is where are the match ups for the Brawny, All & Hefty bags? I don’t see them on your list.
On the sale ad post: