Thanks to Mom on Dealz for sharing this weeks Frugal Kid Fun Activity!
Winter can be a challenging time for parents looking to find activities to entertain their kids. Not being able to go outside and release energy can easily lead to melt downs. Below is a quick activity that can be fun, educational, AND frugal!
Egg Carton Math
Empty,cleaned egg carton
Permanant markers
Dice, cotton ball, scrap piece of paper balled up, or any item small enough to fit in an egg slot
1. Write a number in each egg slot (1-12).
2. Place dice, etc inside egg carton and close.
3. Shake egg carton as long as desired. Open egg carton and see what number the place holder landed on. Close the carton and shake again. Open and see the second number the place holder has landed.
4. You can add or multiply the 2 numbers together depending on your child’s skill level. For my 2 year old, we simply use it to identify numbers.
5. Your child can use the markers to decorate the outside of the egg carton.
*This activity can be modified into a reading/language arts craft by writing various letters in the egg slots and when the dice lands on a letter, your child can list words that starts with that letter. When the list is as long as desired, you and your child can use the words to create a story (in pictures or words depending on skill level).
i want to do a egg challenge one day on youtube