Thanks to Sharon with Mom on Dealz for providing today’s guest post. If you’re looking for fun, budget-friendly craft ideas for kids check-out Mom on Dealz Kid Corner to keep your child entertained for less.
Math With Donuts
Card Stock
Hole Puncher or Scissors
1. Using the donut template here, cut out donuts and icing from card stock (save the “holes”).
2. Using a hole puncher of your choice, create the “sprinkles”.
3. Label the donut holes with numbers and have your child add that many sprinkles to the donut icing.
4. Glue the sprinkles and icing the donuts and you now have a number matching game!
Educational Activities:
- Math: 1. Discuss the word dozen with your child and practice making piles of a dozen items (toys, shoes, crayons,etc). Then talk about a baker’s dozen and the difference between them both. 2. Create math problems with donut toppings or mini donuts (you can use cheerios as mini donuts).
- Language Arts: 1. Use the book Arnie, the Doughnut
and discuss the character, character feelings, and the different vocabulary found in the book. 2. Make a whole week out of things with the letter D (obviously including donuts).
- Body & Mind: 1. Play hide and seek with the paper donuts. Create different colored donuts and have your child locate the color you yell out to them. 2. Play the game Learning Resources – Smart Snacks Mix and Match Doughnuts
to help your child work on their memory skills and creativity.
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