Looking for fun, educational & frugal activities to do with your child? Mom on Dealz will provide you with weekly activities to keep your children learning while you stay on budget!
Check out the previous crafts here
Patriotic Napkin and Utensil Holder
3 Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
Red and White Construction Paper
Glue Gun with Glue
Glue Stick
Glitter or other decorations you would like to add to the holder
1. Cut the white construction paper into 3 pieces that will wrap around each of the toilet paper rolls.
2. Cut the red construction paper into strips that will be the “flag stripes”.
3. Cut out 6 stars from the white paper and color them blue.
4. Glue red strips onto the white paper to create “flag stripes”.
5. Glue blue stars to represent stars on the flag.
6. Wrap the toilet paper holders with the created “flags”.
7. Hot glue 2 or the rolls side by side and glue the 3rd roll about an inch and 1/2 away (room enough for napkins) onto the cardboard square.
8. Fill the holders with napkins, forks, knives, and spoons (or straws like we did) for you 4th of July BBQ!
Educational Adaptations:
–Language Arts: 1. Read books with your child before and/or after this craft that are on the topic of freedom, The Declaration of Independence, or other patriotic topics (depending on their age and skill level). 2. Have your child record the steps taken to create this project to practice writing down steps in a process-this is a huge skill in school.
–Math: Identify and discuss the various shapes used to create the project. Have a hunt around the house for other objects that are these shapes (cylinder, square, circles, etc).
–Social Studies/History: Discuss the reason we celebrate the 4th of July (signing of the Declaration of Independence).
Activity is based on one from activity village