Have you lost The Coupon Challenge on Facebook?
I’ve had questions asking if I was still posting on Facebook or people telling me they only see my Facebook posts when they go to my page.
It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about the effects of Timeline changes. Let me tell you, it’s BAD for business. Pages are not reaching News Feeds like they used to. Merely “Liking” a page is no longer enough.
Want to know something else? Facebook has decided that I can PAY to have you actually see my posts. I can pay $50+ per post to increase my Reach. Nice huh? I’ll be frank. I don’t have close to $50 to pay so you can see my posts on Facebook. I post about 10X per day! Sorry, I just don’t make that much money.
How can you get my Facebook posts in your News Feed?
- If you haven’t already, head over and “Like” The Coupon Challenge on Facebook.
- Hover over the “Like” button.
- A box will appear where you can check to “Show in News Feed”
- That’s it.
While that is a simple fix, occasionally “Liking” a post or posting a comment can help show Facebook that you really are interested in mine (and other) pages. When you interact with a page, you also increase the “Talking About” on pages which further increases my reach for FREE.
One of the benefits of following along on Facebook is that while I only post the most beneficial posts from the website; I also include extra posts that never make it to the blog. It’s faster to “Share” an offer such as a coupon or freebie then to type it all up.
Follow me on Facebook, make sure I’m authorized for your News Feed, and interact on the page every once in awhile. You will ensure that you never miss a deal I post.
Just to give you an idea of what Facebook is looking to charge to increase the number of people seeing Pages:
Basically if I want all my “Likes” to see my posts, it will cost me $75 per Facebook post. Yikes! There are the FREE ways to help you see my posts as mentioned above, but how many of you actually saw this post to know what to do? There lies part of the problem. As it stands now, I am only reaching between 3-10% of you on Facebook.
Thanks so much for sharing your Savings Journey with me!
Facebook is so obnoxious! I’m sorry they’re wanting you to pay for us to see your posts. I keep liking FB less and less. Don’t worry though, I see your posts on FB but I mostly read them through my Google reader.
Sorry you’ve found all the Facebook changes to be as bad as I have!
I’m so glad you’re still getting my Feeds and Google Readers works so well for you.