I recently posted about a Rite Aid Freebie starting 3/24 and one of our readers asked us for a reminder about it. As hard as we try to keep you updated on deals we can not always do this. There are always so many great deals, sales and coupons to keep up with we don’t always remember either. 😮
I wanted to share a quick post with you today on how I keep track of upcoming deals that I personally want to take advantage of at the Drugstores and a few other stores that I don’t always shop. I call this my “Paper Brains!” 😮
When I first started “strategic couponing”, as I like to call it, I used a notebook to write down the deals I wanted to grab at each store. Well, I like to be very neat and organized and this notebook was not working for me. So I set up a quick Word Document and that’s what I’ve been using ever since. It is very simple and to the point and I have it up and running on my computer at all times. So as I’m searching the internet and I come across a deal that I want to get I simply copy and paste it onto my word document under the corresponding week and store that it is at. I also have this set up for at least a month at a time. Then, when I’m ready to go shopping, I simply print my store list for that week and go shopping!
Here is what my document look likes so far for the week of 3/24:
Buy 2 Nice! One Dozen Grade A Large Eggs $1.00 each, when you buy 2, sale price 3/24-3/30
Use one $0.55/2 – Eggs, Dozen – (smartsource.com)
Final Price: $0.73 each, when you buy 2
18 packs of Scunci Elastic Hair Bands on sale for $1.99
Get back $1.99 +Up
Final Price=FREE
Like I said, I only use this for the drugstores and stores that I don’t regularly shop. I do not include Farm Fresh or Harris Teeter deals on here. For those, I use Dana’s printable lists that she posts each week with the coupon mathchups.
Again, I just wanted to share how I keep my deals organized. I hope this helps you out!
Happy Couponing!!
I just wanted to thank you for all the info you provide to be able to couponing, you make everything so easy, thank you, I also wanted to ask you who is DANA because you mention her on this email and if you can can you please provide me with her page so I can benefit me also. Thank you so much foe everything.
Hi Cindy,
I’m happy that we are able to offer you so much help and make couponing easier for you! 😮
Dana is the Creator and Owner of this wonderful site “The Coupon Challenge.” I’m am one of her assistants. You can click on “About/Contact Me” at the top of her home page to learn more about her.