Ever since Rite Aid changed their rewards program, I think it’s safe to say they have one of the best and most rewarding programs around.
How to Save Money at Rite Aid
They recently implemented the Plenti Program, which enables you to earn points on your purchases and use them at other stores! Read on to learn all about the Plenti Program and couponing at Rite Aid in general.
Plenti Program
You can sign up for a Plenti card on RiteAid.com or on Plenti.com. After you sign up for a Plenti card, you can choose to link it to your old Rite Aid Wellness Card, just in case you had a higher status (Silver or Gold) and you would like that to carry over.
Every week, the Rite Aid ad will contain various items which you can purchase to earn Plenti points. In turn, you can use Plenti points at Rite Aid or at the other stores/companies listed on the Plenti website, including AT&T, Macy’s, Nationwide, and more! Every 100 Plenti points is worth $1, and you can start using your points once you have earned at least 200 ($2).
Example: In the example above, you can purchase 2 General Mills cereals or Nature Valley granola bars, on sale for $2.50 each, and you will earn 100 points for every 2. Note that this offer has a limit of 2 per card, so the maximum points you can earn is 200. We currently have a coupon available for Honey Nut Cheerios, so this deal would work out like this:
Buy 2 Honey Nut Cheerios, $2.50 each
Use $1/2 manufacturer’s coupon
Pay $4 and earn 100 Plenti points
Notes to Remember About the Plenti Program:
– You can earn multiple points in one transaction (as in the example above, you can buy 4 cereals and earn 200 points) BUT pay close attention to the limits placed on each deal in the ad (limit 2 in the example above).
– You can use any coupons applicable to the products you are purchasing and you will receive your Plenti points based on your total BEFORE coupons.
– If a deal is, for example, “spend $30 on Huggies products and receive 500 Penti points”, you do not have to spend all $30 in one transaction. Your Plenti card will track your purchases throughout the week and you will receive your points after you have spent the qualifying amount.
– You must have earned at least 200 points (worth $2) to be able to use them and points are available at 6 am the next day. Your points will not expire for two years.
– You can pay with and earn Plenti points in the same transaction (AND Plenti points can be used towards tax)!).
In-Ad Coupons
Often Rite Aid ads will include deals with in-ad coupons, such as above for $2/1 Clairol hair color. These are store coupons and will always have the letter and number combination “RC49” before the other numbers under the barcode. These coupons can be stacked with manufacturer’s coupons for even bigger savings!
In the example above, you can score Clairol hair color for just $2.99 by stacking this in-ad coupon with a manufacturer’s coupon from the Sunday newspaper. Read more on stacking coupons at Rite Aid below.
“Buy One, Get One Free” Promotions
Rite Aid will also often run “buy one, get one free” promotions. This is a great way to stock up on much needed items. Rite Aid’s coupon policy does not allow us to use a “buy one, get one free” coupon OR even 2 coupons on a “buy one, get one free” deal (like we are able to do at CVS).
Rite Aid’s coupon policy specifically says “only one coupon can be used for each pair of items purchased”.
Stacking Coupons
As I stated above, you are able to stack, or use more than one coupon on one item, coupons at Rite Aid. In addition to the In-Ad coupons, which will always start with “RC49”, at other times you may see a Rite Aid coupon that starts with “RC48”.
Rarely you will see these coupons in the weekly ad or printed at the bottom of your receipt, but the most common place to see these are on bright green peelies placed on items throughout the store (pictured in the example above). These are often items that are being discontinued or are close to their expiration date. Often you will be able to stack these green peelies with manufacturer’s coupons to score products for cheap or even FREE!
Rite Aid’s coupon policy states that you are allowed to use one manufacturer’s coupon, one Rite Aid coupon beginning with “RC49”, and one Rite Aid coupon beginning with “RC48” all on ONE item. Being able to use a total of THREE coupons on an item at Rite Aid can be very beneficial to us couponers!
**When stacking coupons at Rite Aid, I’ve found the best order to give your coupons is:
1. Any threshold Rite Aid coupon you may be using (such as a coupon for $4 off a $20 purchase – these will print randomly with your receipt and can be used BEFORE and IN ADDITION TO all other coupons)
2. All other Rite Aid coupons
3. All manufacturer coupons
Digital Coupons/Coupon App Rebates
You can also save money by using SavingStar Coupons, MobiSave, Checkout 51 and ibotta. These digital coupons will be added to your account once you have made (and submitted) a qualifying purchase.
What is your favorite way to save at Rite Aid?
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