One day I woke up. I realized credit card debit was NOT a way of life. I’d always thought, “Doesn’t everyone have student loans, credit card payments, and car loans?” I realized the answer was NO! Once I finally had my eyes open, a friend introduced me to the wonderful world of Dave Ramsey. I’d always thought that what he taught wasn’t for the real world. I’d thought it was his money making scheme. Oh, how wrong I was! After listening to the cd’s, I had a new mission in life. NO DEBT! Now, I’m not there yet. We have a mortgage and I’m okay with that, for now.
I was a little worried when we decided to move to get “Moneyboy” in a better school. The house my husband loved needed a LOT of work. We’d been putting money away for the impending move and knew that some work would need to be done on any house in our price range. I’ll have another post(s) about our DIY adventures soon. The point of this post is that we were able to get most of the work done I wanted except for the kitchen. I can handle old cabinets and counter tops. It was the appliances that had me crying. I’d never had a refrigerator without ice and the stove always smelled like gas (it wasn’t leaking but I still smelled it). To top it off, we were now out of home improvement money. Yes, some of you are thinking I’m spoiled for wanting automatic ice.
The solution? We started saving. We were able to save enough cash in 2 1/2 months to purchase a new refrigerator (with water and ice in the door!), a new smooth top range and an over-the-range microwave. Oh yes, I’m spoiled now! How did we do it? We saved extra grocery money, pulled in the budget, hubby worked side jobs and overtime and we used our Christmas money from family.
We had a lot of time to shop around and research the best appliances over those couple of months. We looked online, checked consumer reports, and drove to every store imaginable in the area. We had picked out the appliances way before we had the money to purchase them. Once we did have the money; we waited another 3 weeks for another sale to come around. We saved an additional $500 by knowing our prices and holding out for the good sale.
Patience, hard work and persistence will get you what you want without going into debit. Putting the appliances on the credit card would have been much easier but not nearly as rewarding.
Have you saved for big purchases lately?
What a great post,Dana. We live so much in an instant gratification society. Also w/the mentality that if we can't have the biggest and best, we're somehow poor!
The Lord has truly blessed us so I give Him ALL the credit up front. For the past two pay raises, we've continued to live off my husband's income, tucking away the rest. My part time income, after tithes and missions, goes into the extra fund too.
Not to say we've arrived by any means. My husband bought his first new truck ever in 2008, after having his last used truck 14yrs! Ran great, was literally falling apart though. Our goal is to pay it off this year. And I bought a new car last year, at my husband's urging. My van's transmission decided to retire. Next year is the goal for that vehicle.
I am thrilled to report, no more credit card debt! And we are saving to do renovations our old, much in need of update but love the yard, house!
Again I thank God for His provision and graciousness. He allows us to both produce a fair income, save as much as possible and gives me the heart to be a good steward of the resources He has provided for our family. I pray He will give us a vision to use our extra to help others and leave a legacy of stewardship to our son.
All I have to say is WOW! Thank you such as great comment!!!