I had a request to help organize a coupon train for all my wonderful readers to trade coupons. I’ve been doing a lot of research and have set up a Questionnaire to help sort members into a Basic Coupon Train.
If you’re interested in joining the Coupon Train, please read the Coupon Train Guidelines (or see below), then complete the Coupon train Questionnaire. I will divide members into trains based on oppssing coupon needs, ie. a person needing diaper coupons with a person needing pet coupons. The number of members in a train and the number of trains will depend on interest.
I am requesting a Train Conductor for each train. This person will start off the train and help keep it moving.
I am working on adding a coupon forum or chat area for you all to communicate. I hope to have it up and running soon.
The Coupon Challenge – Coupon Train Guidelines
*Please read the following guidelines before completing the Coupon Train Questionnaire.
Coupon trains are simply a way of exchanging coupons by postal mail. It is a way of exchanging coupons for products you don’t use for coupons that your family needs.
1. This train is based on “Opposing Needs.” Pairing individuals with different coupon needs together.
2. Each train will consist of 6 members, not to exceed 10 members.
3. Train routes will be determined by region. The Coupon Challenge will attempt to pair train members within the same region while taking advantage of regional differences in coupon inserts.
4. Each coupon envelope (or “envie”) will consist of no more than 50 coupons due to postal fees.
5. Each train member will be expected to replace the same number of coupons to the envelope as he/she removed. Adding additional coupons up to the maximum is allowed & encouraged.
6. Each train member is expected to remove expired coupons from the envelope before mailing to the next member in the train route.
7. Each person should keep the envelope for no more than 3 days. Ideal turnaround is 1-2 days. This insures the train will keep moving. Please be conscious of holiday’s and three-day weekends.
8. Members may make a wish list of 5 coupons. Wish lists do not guarantee coupon availability.
9. Each train member must verify the information on the routing slip for changes. Additionally, all changes should be made on the routing slip included in the envelope and on the master routing slip available in a google document. Changes include: address change, typos, vacation leave or removal from train.
10. The date the envelope leaves each train member should be recorded on the routing slip.
11. Most importantly, if you want to receive great coupons from other members, you need to send out great coupons to the group. Don’t remove ALL the great coupons from the envelope.
12. Each Train needs a Train Conductor: This is the first person in the train. They are responsible for adding a new routing slip to the envelope at the start of each train cycle. Assistance in train mediation is also required.
13. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in removal of member from the coupon train. Members may vote out someone not adhering to these guidelines.
14. Coupon train membership is voluntary. You may leave the train at anytime with notice to the train conductor.
15. Communication via email is allowed by train members. Only members of your train & The Coupon Challenge will have access to your email and mailing address.
Newspaper inserts
Magazine coupons
Legitimate printable coupons (no photocopies)
Mail-in-rebate forms
Not allowed:
Store specific coupons
Expired coupons
Coupons of a questionable nature
Please send questions to: [email protected]
*Complete the Coupon Train Questionnaire to be divided into your train.
This train will be provided with the help of A Frugal Chick & Mom on Dealz
Dana, I forgot to tell you that I’d be willing to conduct a train. I was just thinking of it again this morning.
Added you as a conductor. Thanks for volunteering!
Thanks or allwig me to ride with u all!
I’m already signed up to be on a train & received my first envelope this week :o) Are we allowed to be on more than one train?
Hi Melissa,
Sure you can join multiple trains if you would like. Can you please complete the questionnaire again and remark that you are already a member of train X and would like to be assigned to another train as well. I’ll work on a way to add an easier way soon.
Does the train seem to be running okay so far? Did you get coupons you could use?
I received my envelope yesterday, which seems to be moving in a timely manner.
10 coupons were expiring w/in 3-4 days, several more w/in 7-10 days and there were lots of duplicates, as many as 10 of one coupon, many with four and five duplicates. I guess I don’t purchase in that much volume so it seemed like a lot of coupons with few choices.
Not sure what I was expecting, but this seems to put a lot of pressure on the next person on the train?
I removed and replaced all of the coupons that expired in less than 3 days, along with the two coupons I could use. The envelope is on its way down the track and I am looking forward to the next round to see if I want to join an additional train.
Hi Vera!
Thank you for letting me know! I’m hoping the first route is a kind of warm up for everyone. I’m getting pretty mixed reviews. Either getting tons of coupons they can use or only 1 or 2.
how can i be on the coupon train ,,,,,,,thank you joann from ashville ohio
complete the questionaire and you will be added to a train
Are you still doing the Coupon trains?
No, she isn’t, and I think all the trains have disbanded. However, I have several trains you may join. Email me: Bhill.people (at) yahoo.com
still working??
Hi, Just found your site and am wondering if you are still doing the coupon train? I’d be interested.
Sorry! I don’t have new trains starting right now.