I swear I just posted May. Wasn’t that last week? I’m going to blink and summer will be over!
I spent a lot more this month than in May. I went to the Commissary with my MIL and stocked the freezer with meat. Careful when you open it or you might get beamed with a frozen chicken! I spent 1/2 of our monthly budget at the Commissary, $146.75. I also bought several splurges and a ton of fresh fruits and veggies. My savings rate is off since I have no idea what the outside price would have been. I did save $30.26 in coupons, so I was pretty happy with the trip. We also had Monekyboy’s 6th birthday party this month, so soda and such were added to the bill.
Go HERE to read more about my family and our spending habits
Total Shelf Cost: $863.40
Total Saved in Coupons: $450.57
Percentage Saved: $69.54%
Total Paid: $290.99
Average per week: $72.75 wk
Rebates Owed: $27.96
WAGS RR: $6.50
CVS ECB’s*: $4
Target GC: $5
*I just went to pull my ECB’s to add them to the list and realized I didn’t pull $11 in ECB’s of the bottom of my receipt when I mailed in the MIR!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much for that Aveeno MIR! I am so upset with myself I cried!
~I added in a change to my comment above. Sorry if it was misleading-it was an addition to the post while I was mad at myself. Aveeno is now the proud owner of my ECB’s, they didn’t expire. It’s good to know that you can use expires ECB’s though. I’ve never let those expire, but I’m sure I will at some point. Thanks for letting me know-I appreciate the attempt to help my fix a mistake.
How did you do this month? Are you on track for 2010 spending?
I have heard, but not tried out, that some CVS's will let you use expired ecb's. From what I've read, it is a ymmv thing, but if you are going it never hurts to ask. Good Luck!
I can use expires EBs at my CVS. Like Julie said, it's worth a try so you're not out the $11.
This is the first month that I did serious coupon shopping. I saved $417.71 in coupons! I spent $384.16 which isn't bad for a family of four, but I'd like to get my out of pocket spending down for July. I love coupons!
Saving $417.71 for your first serious couponing month?! Wow-that's fantastic! Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your July savings!
I usually don't get that high but my budget is $300 month for a family of 4, so I'd say you're doing great!