Thanks to Sharon with Mom on Dealz for providing today’s guest post. If you’re looking for fun, budget-friendly craft ideas for kids check-out Mom on Dealz Kid Corner to keep your child entertained for less.
Pen Flowers
Fake Flowers
Floral Tape
Flower Pot
Glass Rocks/Stones
1. Have your child decorate the flower pot according to the recipient (you can’t tell but ours says “Mommom”) If you’re making for a teacher you can put the message “Thanks for making me bloom with learning!”
2. Break off the lower stems on the flowers.
3. Using the floral tape, attach the flowers to your pens.
4. Fill the pot with the glass rocks/stones and stick the pen flowers inside.
Educational Activities:
Science: Discuss the plant cycle with your child or talk about the needs of plants. The books Plants Are Living Things (Introducing Living Things)and How a Seed Grows (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)
are great children’s books about plants!
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