Head to Lowe’s.com and make any purchase to get a coupon for $10 off your next $50 purchase now through January 18th. The coupon can be redeemed January 19th through January 30th. Once you make a purchase, your coupon should arrive within 48 hours. There is a limit of 5 coupons per household per day for Lowe’s.com purchases.
You can also shop in store at select Lowe’s locations. Just look for the offer on your receipt. You may want to call ahead and make sure your local store is participating before making a special trip.
This coupon will not be eligible to combine with any other offer including employee and military discounts. There are quite a few exclusions listed including Weber products, Dacor, ICON, Fisheer & Paykel, Monogram, Smeg or Liebherr brand appliances, so be sure and check here for all the details and exclusions.
Thanks, Hip 2 Save!
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