To cover or not to cover? That’s the question on everyone’s mind in the world of breastfeeding moms. Many new moms don’t feel completely confident enough to nurse their babies in public without covers. As time passes, and that cover becomes a tangled up mess for the 400th time, most moms will toss it in the diaper bag never to be seen again!
Breastfeeding in public is initially not the most comfortable thing for a first time mom. The great news is, as time passes and you get better at the coordination of nursing your little one, the more confident you become.
Luvs has started a series of “First kid, Second kid” stories and scenarios that show how confidence in parenting increases with the addition of new kids. These scenarios also highlight how moms handle situations between their first and second child completely different once they have the growing confidence that motherhood will bring you.
I personally love this video because I can totally relate with trying to cover up and rush off to a different room, to being wide out in the open, nursing in a crowd, and not giving it a second thought! This luvs initiative is a great way to show parents that with confidence in parenting things become much easier.
Disclosure: Luvs diapers were received as a thank you for participating in the “First Kid/Second Kid” promotion. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from others.
Post by: TCC helper, Courtney
This definitely seems to be a hot topic lately. I say cover (just for my own modesty). Sometimes you just have to feed them wherever you are because when babies are hungry they let you know it! Great post!