My first trip was to Harris Teeter to take advantage of the super double coupon event. I spent alot more than normal, but I bought organic milk (had $1 off Nabisco cookie wyb milk coupon from Facebook from the beginning of the month) & found a roast reduced to $8.55. I also found hang tags on the Ken’s Poppy Seed dressing for $1/1. Whoo! I have no idea what it tastes like, but I now have 2 FREE bottles to try (separate transactions).
1 milk $5.79
1 roast $8.55
2 Kitten chow $1.45
1 Rhodes Rolls $0.25
2 Pepperidge Farm Bread $2.48
1 Chips Ahoy FREE
2 Kens Poppy Seed dressing FREE
3 Friskies cat treats $1.80 – $1/1 from 01/23 SS insert = FREE
1 Uncle Bens Rice FREE
2 7th gen. tissues FREE
1 Wholly Guacamole FREE
2 Edwards singles FREE
2 Philly Cooking Cream FREE
2 Danactive FREE
Total Paid $19.21
Total Saved $61.38
I also popped into Farm Fresh to get a few things. I was super excited to get a huge ham marked down to $11.04, from $30.94! I can get so many meals out of this ham plus I’ll boil the bone for soup. That’s my big score for the week!
1 Sugar $1.99
1 Mushrooms $0.99
1 Eggs $0.99
2 simply OJ $3- $1/1 printable $2
1 Ruffles Chip $0.99 – $0.99 coupon (gone) FREE
2 Classico Alfredo $2.50 – $1/1 peelie (gone) $1
1 Ronzoni Garden Delight $1.69 – $1/1 from 01/23 SS FREE
2 Welch’s Grape Juice $1
2 Athenos Hummus FREE
2 Perdue Ground Chicken reduced $3.98
1 Ham reduced $11.04
Total Paid $22.72
Total Saved $20.17 (not including savings from reduced meat)
I’ll get WAGS up later, gotta go clean
How did you do?
Great job! I wanted that athenos hummus so badly but every time I tried to bring up the link, it would never show so I guess it’s gone? Ah well. I only got free gum, the progresso soup for 50 cents a can, free ALL (coupon from company because the spout on my last one broke off), and some more yogurt for $1. otherwise i did lots of produce, bakery bagels, butter–all with my 10% off military. gotta love their 2.99 donuts, too, that are actually vegan. my brother and his fam are coming in tonight and are all vegan–and let me tell ya, farm fresh is pretty much the only one between here and DC (near where he lives) that have vegan donuts. I heard someone from here took them up to the farm where alot of animal activists/vegans volunteer and they all swarmed the donuts exclaiming, “vegan donuts?! NO WAY!” so that was a special thing I picked up today for them. I actually went back to HT for the 99 cent purex-it’s HE so I could not pass that up, 50 cent vive conditioner and the kleenex tissues. I am tapped out for HT today though. Have to wait until tomorrow to go back 😉
I didn’t realize the donuts were vegan. I bought a couple boxes for Monkey’s Valentines party at school. Pleeeease mommy can I bring donuts. I had to give in. I like that they’re pretty cheap.
I’m going to get the purex tomorrow too if it’s still there. I like $0.99!
I was able to buy 2 of the eggs and use the $0.55 off 2 coupon. The second dozen eggs rang up $1.68 but I still got both for $1.57. Still a great deal for eggs.
Ugh, how did I miss that edward’s slices deal?! Fingers crossed there is key lime left tomorrow!!! The NN store takes DND seriously, so the wholly wasn’t free for me. Oh well.
I just stocked up on the baking stuff at FF. Store brands were on sale, plus the military discount. Panko breadcrumbs were also on sale, so that coupon wyb a kikkoman item made my eggs free. I also got the .50 silk “milk.” Met some serious resistance when I brought that in the house. Too bad…these two are demolishing 4-5 gallons a week and holy cow (haha) that’s expensive.
I didn’t check the Edwards when I ran in this morning but there were a ton on the shelves yesterday. Hopefully they have the key lime for you. I’m more of chocolate girl.
I completely understand the milk. We’re down to about 2 1/2 gal. per week. We were at a steady 3 or more. I figured out the other day that I’m spending around $40 per month on milk (organic now)! That was when I was getting it for $4.99 at HT, now it’s $5.79. Yikes!
My pictures are here:
I picked up some 17 cent Tony’s pizza and 4 salad dressings at Harris Teeter for my stockpile 🙂
I got 2 cartons of eggs at FF, too… figured 75 cents a dozen was pretty good!
Great job scoring that ham!
Scrubbing Bubbles Power Spray Extend A Clean Starter, 25 oz., was marked down to $4.94 (this is all over, not just Hampton Roads) and there’s that $5 off coupon that was in the Sunday paper a few weeks back. The refills are also marked down to $2.37 and there’s a $1/1 refill coupon in that same insert. I got two sprayers and two refills for a whopping $0.74! I used it last night & they’re pretty powerful! Considering they retail at almost $10.00 I feel like I got a pretty great deal on this one.
I guess I’m going back to HT, I forgot my new P&G booklet that came in the mail yesterday anwyays. Great find!
Today I went & got 2 Hamburger Helpers, 2 Del Monte tomatoes, 1 Bush’s baked beans, 2 dozen eggs & a Zone protein bar for $1.98!
The HT in Suffolk doesn’t double DND’s either. I was a little bummed about that!
Bummer, I’m sorry. I don’t think there are other stores in that area either for you to take advantage of.
Back to HT – Trip 2 is here:
Yay clearance!! 🙂