I went to Farm Fresh this morning to get the sale items plus fresh fruit, veggies for a salad, milk and bread. I did the Instant Savings Promo with 2 Quaker Cookies and the rest was Gatorade and Propel. I had a busy day, so I just snapped a quick picture of my shopping cart. Amazingly, nothing got squished 🙂
Total Paid: $30.71
Total Saved: $38.90
Earned $4 CAT from ice cream
I also ran into Harris Teeter to get tomatoes and onions (forgot those at FF), strawberries, 2 Eat. Think. Smile bars & Tilapia. If the strawberries are good then I’ll purchase more later this week. I’ve blown through my frozen berries from May because I’m drinking a smoothie everyday after the gym.
How did you do?
I did okay today, total for two Farm Fresh runs was 197.63 after coupons I spent 134.35 a savings of 63.28. I also earned $6 for my next Farm Fresh purchase along with a 7 cent discount on 20 gallons of gas.
I am new to this, but I think I did okay. I went to FF once but split my transactions. The first was payment of $13.09 and saved $4. Not so great compared to other people’s posts. I am starting on a small scale to get the hang of it. The second transaction was payment of $7.24 and savings of $6. I’m happy with 50%… the thing that gets me is that even with the coupons and sales the prices at FF seem higher than some other stores to start, so i am never sure i am getting the best deal, especially if i need things not on sale. am i missing something? i wanted to avoid shopping at 4 different stores/times every week.
I know….i stop by harris teeter and farm fresh several times a week when they have something supper cheap or free with coupon. On my way to work and back! I learn a few things: always get a raincheck especially with Harris teeter, only buy junk food when they’re free or less than $1 with coupon (ice cream, cookies, chips, candies, ect), print hot coupon right away (then wait for a good sale…I threw out many hot coupons since good sales something don’t eclipse with my coupons’ expiration date!), get free or almost free personal hygiene stuff from cvs/rite aid/walgreens (i don’t play walgreen coupon game though….give me a headache finding fillers). Also check out Hip2save.com. Good luck
50% is good! I’m always happy with saving at least 50%. I always recommend starting small, so you don’t get overwhelmed.
You need to learn your prices, so you know what a good price is. That just takes time. You’ll also begin to build up your stockpile and won’t have to purchase as many extra items during the week. It will just be fresh items, filler items for a meal or if you didn’t realize you were running low on an item. If you don’t have a coupon and/or the product isn’t on sale, you will likely be better off with the store brand.
I also factor in gas savings. If I’m already at Farm Fresh, I’ll just buy my extra items there. Typically if I end up spending a bit extra, I still save on gas and time by not driving to Walmart.
Also as your stockpile grows, you may shouldn’t need to purchase items such as hygiene, cereal, soups, ice cream or snacks when they aren’t on sale because you’ve already purchased the products on sale for a good price. Those items tend to be expensive at regular price!
Depending on how close the stores are to you, check the sale ads to see if any of the stores have the products you are missing for the weeks menu on sale that week & shop at 2 stores, not 4.
i got 4 boxes of breakfast to go to get 2 $1 catalina (paid $2). Then next transaction:
2 bryer’s ice cream $3.50 each 2 $1Q (double to $4)
2 ben&jerry $3.50 each – 2 $1Q (double to $4)
2 heinz vinegar free with $1Q
use 2 $1 catalinas (double to $4)
pay $2 plus tax and get $4 catalina for next shopping trip