I made a HUGE mistake that cost me about $6 at Farm Fresh today. In the store I looked at the wrong Nestle size for the Ice Cream Promo. My goal was $2 after the coupons and CAT. Oh well, I’m still under budget and I can make myself feel better with an ice cream cone 🙂
Get your Farm Fresh coupon matchups here
Bananas $0.92
Strawberries $2.49
1 FF bread $1.09
2 Folgers $9.98
4 Dole Pineapple $1.16
Lays Chips $0.89
2 Mission Chips – $1/1 peelie $1.58 (yes, again)
2 Edy’s Smoothies $2
1 Skinny Cow $2
1 Nestle Cones
1 Haagen Dazs ice cream
2 Kraft with Philly Cheese – $1/1 tearpad (from previous shopping) FREE
2 Wholly Salsa – free product coupon FREE
2 Orbit Gum FREE
2 Gain Dish FREE
2 French’s Spicy Brown FREE
2 Wheat Thin Stix FREE
Total Paid $29.92 (high, I know)
Total Saved $45.04
Earned $4 CAT
Also earned $0.07 off gal of gas
How did you do?
Mmm icecream! Since our other freezer is broken, so I had to pick between the veggies and icecream that’s all that will fit…veggies won. Don’t worry, I hooked my sweet tooth up with the 25c brownie mixes!
I am just so excited about all my shopping today! Usually we budget dog food and sodas separately from our grocery money (sodas are filed in our “vices” envelope, haha.) but I was able to get all of that, our regular groceries AND our Easter dinner for under our weekly food budget. So happy!
FF was a 76% savings only paid $16 – yay! Saved a little less than 50% at Food Lion with the dog food and napkins. And I price matched Bottom Dollar’s ad at Walmart to save $5 on spiral ham and get some cheap strawberries and pineapple. Bonus at WM when I saw their bananas were only 19c a pound!
The veggies are better for you anyway 🙂
That’s funny, “vices” envelope. That’s fantastic! You were able to get everything and your Easter dinner with your weekly food budget! Yay! And you did it honestly 😉
That dog food can really get you, but 50% is still good!! $0.19 for bananas?! What a steal
My savings today was 50%….subtotal $17.71 and saved $17.70!!
I got:
2 Newman’s Pasta
2 Triscuit
2 Wheat Thin Stix
4 Tyson Chicken Strips
2 Jimmy Dean Roll Sausage
3 Green Giant Frozen Veggies
1 Sunny D
That was great! You were able to get a lot of expensive items for $17! My kids love the Wheat Thin Stix!