I made my final trip to Harris Teeter today to grab a few more items using coupons that my aunt brought me and to use coupons that came in my P&G booklet. I also used my Facebook save $2.09 on Doritos and Pepsi Max coupon today. I decided that if I was getting 1 bottle almost free with the coupon, then I might as well buy 5 bottles for the B2G3 promo. The coupon ended up taking off $2 instead of $2.09, though. Now I just have to hide them for LuLu’s birthday party.
Sadly they were out of Pillsbury Sweet Moments, so I didn’t use the new $1.10/1 coupon. They were still out of Cinnamon Cheerios & Hefty Bags too.
I’ll be donating the Hamburger Helper to the Food Pantry & I’ll add the deodorant to my donation for Operation Troop Aid
LuLu also talked me into Campbell’s Princess soup today. She didn’t even want it for lunch, she wanted the carrots!
Bag of Potatoes $2.99 ( my goal price is $2 but I needed them)
Organic Baby Carrots $1.99
2 HT creamer = $3.14
Doritos = $1.99
5 2L soda’s = $2.38
3 Campbell’s Soup $1 – $0.50/3 printable = $2
2 hamburger helper $1 – $0.50/1 printable (gone) = FREE
1 Gain Dish Detergent $1.99 – $1/1 from P&G booklet = FREE
1 Old Spice Deodorant $2 – 41/1 from P&G booklet = FREE
1 Yakisoba $1/1 – $0.50/1 from the 01/02 SS = FREE
3 Mentos $0.79 – $0.50/1 from the 02/06 SS = FREE
1 Johnson & Johnson Swabs = FREE
1 Edwards Singles = FREE
1 Danactive = FREE
2 Rhodes Rolls = $0.50
2 tombstone Pizza’s $3.33 – $1.50/2 Facebook printable = $3.67
2 Tony’s pizza $1.17 – $1/2 from the 02/13 SS = $0.34
Total Paid $20.46
Total Saved $55.38
You’ll also see Walgreens Children’s Allergy Medicine and a slim Jim in the photo. I realized while in HT that I had $5 in RR to use today. I decided to pick up the allergy med. for LuLu. I spent $0.75!
I popped into Harris Teeter last Thursday too:
1 Purex with Zout detergent $3.99 – $3/1 from 02/20 RP insert = $0.99
3 Friskies cat treats = FREE
1 Organic Earthbound salad mix – $1/1 printable (gone) = $1.99
Cantaloupe = $1.49
Total Paid $4.93
Total Saved $16.50
To round out my shopping I popped into Farm Fresh on Sunday to grab a bag of onions & navy beans for soup. I spent $4.28
I got my raincheck for the Cheerios because the coupon will still double next week! They also had Crest (orange kind) on clearance for $2.19. There is a $1.00 coupon in the P&G coupon booklet. Not sure if it is any good or not but that would be a great thing to donate also!
I didn’t even check the Crest when I was there. Would be great for donating
I was really disappointed with HT (both of them) the last two days of the sales. Shelves were picked clean. I got rain checks on the cheerios and the toilet paper (sigh)
Lat time I thought they did a much better job of restocking. A few things like the Philly Cooking Cream had been restocked but a lot of what I wanted was still missing