The prices listed below are what I typically pay for a product. I used an asterisk to note the items that I can usually get for FREE. Toothpaste at $0.24 each is a good price. I might purchase 1 or 2 depending on how many are in my stockpile. I won’t purchase a lot until I can get it for free since it is an item than I know I can get free if I’m patient. I tend to really stockup on an item if I can get if for less than the price listed.
I’ve listed a few items simply as free. Frankly, I can remember the last time I actually paid anything for those items. If I did I must have run out or needed to bump up my total for a promotion. I guess a good price on BBQ sauce would be less than $0.50 and a small bottle of dish soap $0.25.
These are prices that I pay in the Hampton Roads area of VA. Prices vary by region but hopefully this will give you an idea of the prices I shoot for in my shopping. Keep a record of your spending to see what prices are right for you.
- Paper Towels $0.29*
- Tissues $0.25*
- Deodorant $0.50
- Toothpaste/Toothbrush $0.25*
- Razors $0.49
- Shampoo/Conditioner $0.50*
- Body Wash $0.50*
- Personal Products $0.25*
- Laundry Detergent (50oz, 2X conc.) $1.99
- Cat Food-dry (3lb bag) $1.99
- Granola Bars $1
- Fruit Snacks $0.50
- Rice (small bag or flavored box) $0.25*
- Pasta $0.10*
- Cheese (shredded and block) $0.50-$1.99 (we eat a crazy amount)
- Lunch meat $1
- Crackers $0.50*
- Chips $0.50
- Packaged Cookies $0.50
- Yogurt Cups $0.25
- Yogurt (4 pack) $0.50*
- Condiments $0.25*
- Taco Shells $0.75
- Salad Dressing $0.75*
- Frozen Veggies (Bag) $0.50*
- Canned Veggies $0.25
- Cereal $0.50*
- Canned Tomatoes (15 oz) $0.50 (usually less)
- Organic Cereal $1
- Boxed Baking Items (cake mix, brownies, etc) $0.50
- Cake Frosting $0.25*
- BBQ Sauce FREE
- Dish Soap FREE
- Seasoning Packets FREE
- Cat Treats FREE
Let me know if there are other items you want me to add.
Leave a comment if you have other prices for items listed or even not listed, I’d love see it!
Checkout Southern Savers list HERE
Photo credit: Wendyusuallywanders
Thank you so much! This is a valuable resource for me.
Great price list! Thanks!
Great list! I agree with most of the prices. It really helps to know the rock bottom price of an item in order to stockpile. Thanks for linking up your post today!
This is a great list! I used to have a list, but now I mostly have it in my head. I should write it down though and then I could teach my family!
have you actually been able to buy yogurt cups for $.25/ech lately?? i see the blog post was around a year ago, so wondering what your experience has been since then? we’ve lived here for a year now and even stacking coupons i’m only able to get YOPLAIT yogurt cups around 50cents/ ech (not figuring in the typical “one” that ends up being free when you “buy 10 and get 50 cents off” or whatever type of coupon. anyway, just wondering if you’ve buying store brand or what for that price.
Hi Angie,
$0.25 for a single cup of yogurt is no longer the norm, but it is still me goal price. I just have to be more patient to get it. I recently found markdown yogurt at Target for $0.25 each. It wasn’t even close to the “sell by” date. I would check mark downs and store brands too.
The yo crunch cups will be a great deal at Harris Teeter Super Doubles this week too