I ran to the Hanbury Harris Teeter to see if they restocked the Bird’s Eye veggies (coupon expires 04/30) and to use my last 2 Salad kit coupons. I walked past the meat aisle and noticed beautiful yellow stickers everywhere!
*I buy meat on a good sale or when it’s reduced
Bread (made grill cheese for dinner last night so needed more) $1.59
Donuts (for Monkey’s scouts) $2.99
1 Wholly queso (free product coupon) FREE
1 Wholly Guac (free product coupon) FREE
2 Heinz Ketchup (used previously available printable) FREE
2 Salad Kits FREE
1 Dove Promise $0.39
2 HT Ground Turkey $4.99 – $3 off store peelie = $1.99 each (right on with my goal price)
2 HT italian sausage $1.14 each
1 Country pork ribs $5.92
1 large pack HT Chicken drums $3.96 (2 or 3 meals worth)
1 Pork Chops $2.79
Total Paid $24.43
Total Saved $36.25
Includes donuts, bread and 7 packs for meat!
See my first Harris Teeter Super Double and Farm Fresh trips here
Keep an eye on Target. They mark down their meat three days before the sell by date. I just got like 11 packs of Hamburger for $1.00 each and Baby Back Ribs for $3.50!
Cool! That’s a fantastic deal! I’m excited that local Targets have switched over to Super Targets
The HT on the corner of South Plaza and Providence was also cleaned out of veggies… sure hope they re-stock!