Have you joined the Savings.com Savings Pledge?
I already posted all the details about the Savings Pledge and how to join. If you missed it, make sure to head over and read all the great plans that Savings.com has lined up to help you reach your savings goal.
My Savings Pledge changed a few days ago. Originally, my Savings Pledge was to save for a new car. We’re about to hit the 100,000 mile mark on a vehicle that has given us nothing but trouble.
Last week we got word that my little brother would be stationed in Hawaii instead of coming back home. We were counting down the days until he would be stationed back in VA.
Well, the Army had different plans. He’ll be heading to HI for 3-years. What finalized our desire for a family trip to HI was my new niece or nephew. While it will be financially impossible for me to fly across the country for the birth; we have decided to make the trip next summer. The baby will be almost 6 months old, but at least we will be able to meet him/her.
How will we save the money to fly my family of 4 from Virginia to Hawaii? I’m still not entirely sure. I do know that I will be scraping every last penny from our budget and pray that it’s enough.
- All leftover grocery money
- Reducing our allowances
- Reducing our eating out fund
- Redirecting Savings
- Using Overtime money hubby can earn
- Getting creative (more on that to come)
While all the numbers are not in yet. We expect to need a minimum of $5,000 for the trip.
Stay tuned for more ways I plan to save for my trip to see my brother, sister-in-law and the new baby. The Deal Pro’s will also be sharing posts to help you reach your Savings Pledge. I know the tips will be amazing, so look for those starting soon.
What is your Savings Pledge? I’d love to highlight your Pledge here on the site.
Bloggers: If you write a post with your Savings Pledge, send me the link so I can post a mention with a link back to your site.
Don’t have a blog? Just leave a comment or send me an email so I can post your Savings Pledge.
Airfare can had for $10/person assuming a good credit score and a willingness to open new lines of credit. While some oppurtunities have expired, others are still valid and more will come. We leave Norfolk (ORF) in August bound for Maui (OGG) for the total price of $20 (and of course I used my Discover card 5% travel cashback to get a buck back).