I ran to Farm Fresh today to pick up a few of the sale items. I did the Instant Savings promo and grabbed a few other deals. Since I was getting the lunch meat, I had to pick up the cheese to go with it. See, double coupons do equal more sales 🙂
Other than heading back for my free milk to use the CAT from last week, I’m done shopping.
Found these rebates:
Bud Light Lime Rebate- $6 back wyb $10 of seafood
Bud Light Offer- $7 back wyb $14 of salty snacks, water, buns, etc
Chicken Thighs $3.16
Celery $0.99
Mushrooms $0.99
Apples $2.99
2 Eggos $2.50
1 Philly Cooking Creme used FREE product coupon
1 Planters Almond used FREE product coupon
2 Keebler Jumbo Sticks $1.99 – $1/1 printable (gone) FREE
2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch $1.56
2 Kraft Mac & cheese $1.58
1 Cheez-it $1.19
4 Propel Water FREE
1 McCormick Inspirations FREE
2 Oscar Mayer Carving Board $0.98
1 Imperial Butter $0.49
Richfood Provolone $2.39
Richfood Cheddar $2
Round up for charity $0.94
Total Paid $20
Total Saved $29.85
I don’t have pictures for my other 2 trips, but I went to Walmart (see my Hasbro peelie post) and Farm Fresh last night. I wanted to get my St. Patrick’s Day meal items in case the sale prices didn’t continue into this week. If you haven’t purchased your corned beef and cabbage, I know the corned beef is still on sale for $2.99lb.
I was sad that Walmart was sold out of the small pack of Gain Dryer Sheets. I need to use my coupon by the 31st!
Hamster Food $5.22
White Vinegar (to clean coffee machine) $0.85
2 Creamer $3.28
Sugar $2.54
Buttermilk (for Irish soda bread) $1.88
Bread $1.98
Hotdog buns $0.98
Total Paid $17.02
No coupons used
Farm Fresh
Corned Beef $10.08
Cabbage $1.18
Strawberries $2.49
Total Paid $14.25
No coupons
I ended up going to Kroger later for the Mega Event – find that post here
How have you done this week?
My trips are posted here:
It was a good week!
I left my house with a list of 5 items. I came home with 53 items. Didn’t stick to the list, didn’t stick to the budget…ugh!
Anyway, I bought the stuff for St. Patty’s dinner and alcohol…I haven’t purchased alcohol since Christmas and I forgot that it really raises the total. Also did the instant savings promo and the cereal/produce promo. Peelies for $1 off fresh fruit wyb fruit loops (oh the irony…) and $1 peelies on the Oscar lunch meat…so that was a plus.
I hate it when I do that! Plus the corned beef was ~$10, so that’s a significant portion of your budget. I wanted to get the kellogg’s cereal but couldn’t find my $1/2 coupons anywhere. They disappeared on me! I saw the peelies too and laughed. I didn’t get peelies on the Oscar Mayer. Great find!
Can I just jump in and say as an Irish girl, I am very proud of your dinner plans for today? 😉 We always make irish soda bread, too. I got my buttermilk at HT–price wasn’t bad at all and I was surprised (and happy) to see so much of it sold out. I like when people eat accordingly for today 😉 We do irish stew though instead of corned beef (with chicken I had bought during the big sale), carrots (98 cents at FF this week), potatoes (b1g1 at FF) and sweet onion and add dumplings to the top. The we have irish potatoes for dessert: http://friedmommybrain.typepad.com/blog/2010/03/irish-potatoes.html
Not sure what to do with any left over buttermilk? We enjoyed these one weekend: http://www.food.com/recipe/cracker-barrel-buttermilk-pancakes-327922
Enjoy your meal!