Coupons of the Day:

Glade Aerosol Air Freshener $1.59
Use $1.50 off TWO Glade Fall Collection products
Final: $0.09 each wyb 2 after coupon if Fall Scents included
Glade Scent Oil Refill 1 ct $1.79
Use $1.50 off TWO Glade Fall Collection products
Final: $0.29 each wyb 2 after doubled coupon if Fall Scents included
Glade Candle 4 oz. $3.79
Use $1.50 off any TWO Glade 4 oz. Jar Candles
Final: $2.29 each wyb 2 after doubled coupon
Glade Decor $4.69
Use $1.00 off Glade Decor Scents holder
Final: $2.69 each after doubled coupon
Harris Teeter currently has Glade products on sale. I’m not sure if the sales will continue for Super Doubles next week, but it would make for great deals.
[…] Thanks, The Coupon Challenge […]