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Personally, I LOVE to cook with coconut oil. It’s tastes so much better than butter or makes a great substitute for Crisco when greasing pans. Since I tend to purchase coconut oil in large quantities when I find a great price, it became essential to find other uses for coconut oil. I mean, there is only so much cooking one person can do! If you want to learn new tricks to put an healthy product to work, keep reading….
Other Uses for Coconut Oil:
1 – Oil For Wood Bowls and Boards: If you don’t maintain woodware properly, the consequences can be rather irritating. Some pretty serious stains can settle in, and smells can linger. Coconut oil can serve as a great way to get these tough stains and smells out of your favorite wood bowl and off your cutting board. Just use it as you would any other wood treating oil; a fine, thorough rub into the wood and your woodware is fresh again.
2- Lubricant: Forget the WD-40, coconut oil serves an extremely effective lubricant.
3 –Neosporin: Accidents happen a lot around my house with 2 kids and an accident prone hubby. Thankfully, coconut oil can keep those minor scrapes from developing into worse things, like infections. Just dab a little of it over any cut, scrape, or scratch and put a Band-Aid on top of that injury. An added bonus is that it smells a lot better than anything you could pick up at the drugstore on the corner.
4 – Shaving Cream: Coconut oil can serve as a pretty fine substitute for shaving cream when you’re getting ready to go to work in the morning. Also, if you rubbed the electric razor a little too hard on your skin, coconut oil can also serve as an after shave lotion.
5 – Leather Cleaner and Protector: Coconut oil serves as a good leather treating substance perfect for shoes, jackets and more.
6 – Mouthwash: Just ask your children, Agent Cool Blue isn’t the tastiest thing in the world, and even you can attest about the taste of the Listerine on the counter. Now, what if you had something that generally didn’t taste terrible, what if you had something that might actually taste pretty GOOD while your swishing it around in your mouth, getting all the gunk and goo cleaned out? Coconut oil my friend; just toss it around in your mouth for a good 10-15 minutes in the morning to clean your mouth up a bit. When all is said and done, just rinse the leftovers out with water and spit.
7 – Deodorant: Coconut oil is an extremely effective tool that can keep your son’s pits sweet-smelling, and if used in conjunction with baking soda, it can be even more effective. Just massage it in and things will smell a lot less like a gym locker room on a bad Tuesday.
8 – Athlete’s Foot Combatant: You know, with the amount of products that claim to keep Athlete’s Foot at bay, you’d wonder how all of those fancy foot cream companies aren’t out of business these days. Coconut oil also works well at keeping Athlete’s Foot away. A quick massage of the stuff on your foot and you’ll be good for a while.
9 – Moisturizer: Some of us don’t want to pay the high prices for the expensive moisturizers. Luckily, most people like the smell of coconut, the mere scent of which invokes images of Hawaiian beaches and Caribbean shores. Thankfully for you, coconut oil is a nice, natural moisturizer that you can use on anything from dry elbows to chapped lips!
10 – Energy Supplement: Energy drinks lift us up, but they eventually bring us down even lower than when we started. Sometimes a real pick me up is needed to get us through our busy lives. This is where our fine palm-tree-borne friend comes into play. Coconut oil has been proven to give men and women alike nice bursts of energy when things are getting pretty darn droopy-eyed. So, when that heart-attack inducing (It’s been proven by science, can’t argue with that) energy drink starts eyeing you from across the desk, remember to try and slip yourself a small bit of coconut oil and see how that works out.
What other uses for coconut oil can you share?
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