The Coupon Challenge, Mom on Dealz and A Frugal Chick are planning another Hampton Roads Coupon Meet!
Where: 1st Advantage Federal Credit Union in Yorktown
Meet Objectives:
- Meeting fellow coupon users in the area
- Swapping coupons*
- Mailing expired coupons to Military Families Overseas**
- Help with coupon organization – take a peek at our organization methods!
- Answering Questions
- Receive exclusive coupons & giveaways
**We will mail your expired coupons to Military families overseas for you! Please only bring coupons expired by a month or two and sort them into categories
We look forward to meeting our readers!
We are working on more dates in other cities and hope to have a post soon.
1st Advantage Federal Credit Union
110 Cybernetics Way
Yorktown, VA 23693
Any Purchases we need to make for the event
Postage for mailing expired coupons
Location Fee (where applicable)
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