What is the Secret to making Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs you ask? Well I’m here to let you in on the secret…..Don’t Boil the Eggs! I’ve been making my eggs this way since I was a teenager and it has never failed me. My Mom still has the original sticky note I wrote with this recipe on it from over 20 years ago! The eggs are not cracked, they are easy to peel and the yolk is a nice yellow without the green ring around it.
(1) Gently place the eggs in a large pot.
(2) Fill the pot with cold water. Enough to cover the eggs by about 1 inch.
(3) Cook on “Hi” heat just until the water comes to a boil.
(4) Remove the pan from the heat and turn off the burner.
(5) Allow the eggs to sit for 15 minutes.
(6) Carefully drain as much of the hot water as possible from the pot.
(7) Again, cover the eggs with cold water and add a good amount of ice. This is called “quick cooling.”
(8) Allow the eggs to sit in the ice water for 15 minutes. Add more ice if necessary.
(9) Remove eggs from water.
And there you have it! Simple and easy and you will always have “Perfect” Eggs! Try this for Easter this weekend and impress your Family and Guests!
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